I have spent the last year trying to get my cystic hormonal acne under control. I had finally gotten the breakouts under control with a combination of methods, but every few weeks I would get extremely dry splotchy patches on my face that almost felt like chemical burns. And on top of it all my skin looked dull and congested, despite my breakouts being under control for the most part. Fast forward to talking with Meia last Tuesday about how to make my skin more glowy and happy, and she told me about her AMAZING products. So I obviously had to try them! after one wash my skin felt and looked amazing. I am only one week in and each use makes my skin better and better. The icing on the cake is her products are all plant based, so no more chemical burns on my face! The first two photos are ones I sent my mom two weekends ago after using a benzoyl peroxide face wash. It left my skin really soft at first, but within 30 min I had red splotches all over and it hurt badly. The third photo is my skin today (no filters) and the glow that my Sprii beauty products have given me! My skin is very sensitive and I tend to have adverse reactions very quickly when my skin doesn’t agree with something. So the fact that I have been using this for a week straight and have only seen improvements in skin tone, texture and glow is amazing to me! I HIGHLY recommend Sprii Beauty to anyone wanting happier skin *please note: I am not against acne medications (topical or oral). They have helped me tremendously. My skin just got to the point where it couldn’t handle the medications anymore so I needed to go an alternative route. If anyone is stuck in that same spot, I seriously recommend trying Sprii’s products. You’ll see amazing change!